Australian High Commission
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka

Critically-acclaimed Australian film, “Charlie’s Country”, to be screened at the International Film Festival Colombo

Critically-acclaimed Australian film, “Charlie’s Country”, to be screened at the International Film Festival Colombo

The Australian High Commission and the International Film Festival of Colombo are presenting the critically-acclaimed Australian film, “Charlie’s Country”, as an official selection at the festival. The film will be screened at 4pm on Saturday, 6 September at the National Film Corporation Cinema Hall in Colombo 7.

“Charlie’s Country” stars renowned Australian Indigenous actor, David Gulpilil, who won the Best Actor Award for the film at the Cannes Film Festival and is directed by Rolf de Heer of “Ten Canoes” fame. The film tells the story of Charlie, an Aboriginal warrior past his prime, who is navigating the increasing government stranglehold over his community’s traditional way of life. He rejects the new way of life and heads into the wild to live in the old way, not realising how much life has changed.

The Australian High Commission is pleased to collaborate with the International Film Festival of Colombo to bring another acclaimed Australian film to Sri Lankan audiences. The High Commission previously screened the award-winning “Bran Nue Day” in 2012 and “Satellite Boy” in 2013.

Entry is free and is on a first-come first-served basis. Please call the Australian High Commission on 011 2463200 for more information.

The Australian High Commission Staff held a Charity Sale on 27-28 August 2014.